Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mt Rainier

This is Mt. Rainier on June 28. We were going to go to Mt. St. Helens as well, however they had a "slide" over the roadway, and so the road was closed until mid-July. It was 100 degrees on June 28. It was not that warm at Paradise. The snowpack was still a zillion feet deep, so there was no where to go except the Inn, or the parking lot!

My MINI!!!!

I cannot believe I was able to get this loaded on! Well, this is my MINI and me, at the Bonair Winery during the Spring Barrel Tasting in April. I don't normally drive around with wine glass in hand, but you must bring your own for Barrel Tasting, as the wineries are too busy to be doing nothing but washing glasses!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What a day!

I had to take my MINI to NWMini on Thursday the 10th, to get the top fixed; it decided it did't want to be a convertible anymore! So I left here at 6:10am and arrived there at 820am. I left at 240pm! It took that long! I was so bored! But on my way over on Snoqualmie Pass I saw a moose! Yes, a moose! Crossed right in front of me on the freeway! What a sight! Sooooooooo big! And it was a young one at that! I had slowed way down, waiting for another but it was by itself! So far as I know anyway! I have been trying for several weeks to post a picture of my MINI, but for some reason can't seem to get any pictures to post here! I will keep trying!